04 August 2011

This blog was originally dedicated to those moments in life that left me feeling raw or annoyed. Well since I have started this blog I've posted six whole posts. And only one of them has actually been a blog that fit that criteria. I barely even open this blog. Its like the forgotten step child. You know you have it, you buy it a Christmas but you rarely see it. I kind of feel the need to delete the blog. Forgot all about it. But then I think I really don't want to erase it like it doesn't exist. I like knowing its here. Waiting for me. Waiting for my words.

I do not think there is any traffic on this site, but alas I don't care.

So, moving on......

Annoyance of the Day:

Well annoyance of many days, every time I get in my car frustration grows. I know there are no manners in the world anymore, and everyone is in a rush. But for freaking real, can we please remember to use turn signals. I know its such a hardship to move you hand from your cell phone, to hit the signal to let someone know you are changing lane, exiting or entering the highway. Also the various other reasons that a person should know when a car is moving around on a road.

For real. I wish people would have common decency to have some driving manners.

That is all.